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Aug. 10
 Town of Princeton, Mass. – August 10, 2015  -- 6 PM
BOARD OF SELECTMEN   Minutes  -  Regular meeting
6 PM   The meeting was called to order in the Town Hall Annex.  Present were Chairman Edith Morgan, Jon Fudeman, Stan Moss and interim T.A. Robert Reed.
Selectmen had reviewed applications from four individuals for positions on several boards.
Selectmen voted all in favor to appoint Larry DeBlois, 357 Mirick Road for a one year term through June 30, 2016.
They then considered appointment of Atty. Jesse Weeks, 137 Wheeler Road to Zoning Board of Appeals and voted all in favor to appoint him for a term to June 30, 2018.
Selectmen voted all in favor to appoint Beth Hunter, 36 Rocky Pond Road for a seat on the Cultural Council for a three-year term to June 30, 2018.
A request had been received from Megan Weeks, 137 Wheeler Road, to fill a seat on the school committee, and Stan discussed the challenges of serving on the WRSD School Committee. The issue of disparity with Princeton’s share of state funding as opposed to other towns in the region was noted. Stan pointed out that Princeton was fiscally solvent but had worked hard to stay that way. Ms. Weeks stated that she is an educator in the Worcester Public Schools and has two young children soon entering T.P. School. Selectmen voted all in favor to appoint her to the WRSD School Committee for a term to carry to the next town election on May 9, 2016.
6:35 PM  Broadband Update:  Stan reported that he’d received the latest policy statement from MBI (Mass. Broadband Initiative) and it changed “town options” such that “build it yourself” was not on the list. Several contractors had submitted outlines of what they could do for the town when it came time for construction.
Jon F. reported on options for bonds, offering definitions of ‘revenue bond;’ ‘general obligation’ (GO) and ‘enterprise bond’ and used municipal sewer projects as examples of easements and betterment fees and liens, including when a utility line goes up private roads or driveways. He will research to see if Princeton can use an enterprise bond for broadband and referred to it as Plan #1. He will distribute a memo from June 23 as to the mechanics of acquiring a bond.
The group discussed MBI funding which is suggested to be almost $1 million, but Bob R. pointed out that it will come with conditions or “strings attached” which have not been spelled out.
8 PM  Bob reported that Verizon wants to co-locate on the public safety tower, and both chiefs say it would enhance their phone service. Plus, the town would collect lease payments from Verizon. The Planning Board had a condition in its special  permit that prohibited commercial use of the town’s tower, so it would have to be waived. There is also a possible issue around state regs and procurement, and putting the project out to bid. Bob will research the issue.
        There was discussion about a “Public Land Review Committee” that was proposed some years ago but never proceeded to get members on board. Issues are arising about town common and installation of new pavers and a public safety sign, and who controls what goes on with the common. Historical Commission will attend next BOS meeting to figure out jurisdiction of town common. Selectmen decided to go ahead with installation of pavers and the sign.
        It was noted that a broadband meeting that Edith had proposed could not get posted in time for Wednesday, Aug. 12, so it will be posted for Wednesday, Aug. 19 at 7 PM.
8:15 PM  Selectmen went into executive session. After a motion by Stan and a second by Jon F. the board took a roll call vote with Stan, Jon F. and Edith M. saying “Aye” to enter into Executive Session to consider pending litigation
8:30 PM  Selectmen returned to regular session and voted all in favor to approve minutes for July 27, 2015. Selectmen signed Warrants FY’16 – 4
8:35 PM  Selectmen voted all in favor to adjourn.

Respectfully submitted, Admin. Assistant Marie Auger

BOS Referenced Documents: Requests (4) for board appointments; broadband data sheets

Marie Auger
Administrative Assistant
Planning Department